
Manfredi Clemente is an electroacoustic composer and sound artist whose work explores the evocative potential of recorded sound. His research examines the intersection of culture and nature, drawing on ecological, aesthetic, and mythopoeic perspectives. Through the use of field recordings, analog feedback, and synthesized sound, his compositions evoke a sense of materiality, organicity and space central to his artistic vision.


He completed his PhD in Electroacoustic Composition at the University of Birmingham in 2017, under the supervision of Jonty Harrison. He has taught at several Italian conservatories and is now Professor of Electroacoustic Composition at the Conservatorio A. Vivaldi of Alessandria. Manfredi has also been a member of B.E.A.S.T. (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre) between 2012 and 2017; between 2011 and 2016 he has led the installation and performance of the acousmonium for the FMC – Contemporary Music Festival of Cagliari. Starting in 2017, he worked as an A/V technician and sound engineer at Teatro Massimo in Palermo, where he later served as the chief sound engineer for audio recording and broadcasting from 2020 to 2021, collaborating with renowned conductors such as Daniele Gatti, Marc Albrecht, Roberto Abbado, Omer M. Wellber, Daniel Oren. He is the founder of Almavox, a project based in Turin and focused on territorial explorations committed to the production of experimental music with a strong ecological imprint.


His interest in theatre and the performing arts has led to collaborations with artists and companies such as Johannes Erath, Kor’sia, Maria Vittoria Bellingeri, Margherita Ortolani, LOT-EK, Gaetano Costa, Dario Enea (Soggettile Teatro), Marìka Pugliatti, Clémence Kazemi, Marco Giusti, Jacques Bonnaffé.


He has been an artist-in-residence at various independent and institutional organizations, including Ass. Musiques&Recherches (Brussels), Châteauvallon-Liberté Scène Nationale (Toulon), and Ass. APNÉES (Grenoble). 


Clemente’s work has been performed internationally, earning critical recognition, including the 1st Prize at Prix Russolo (2023), Prix Presque Rien (2019), the GRM Banc d’Essai (2018), and the 1st Prize at DI_Stanze Festival (2014).


Prix Luigi Russolo 2023

to the piece Oubliez-moi sous ces cèdres

Honorary mention, MA/IN 2023

to the piece Hajime yori kotoba shirazariki

1st prize, Prix Presque Rien 2019

Fondazione Presque Rien, Paris (FR)
to the piece Un sonno che sogna di non sognare

Prix Banc d’Essai 2018

GRM, Paris (FR)

to the piece Isole

Finalist, Franz Liszt Prize 2017

Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, Weimar (DE)

to the piece La boucle

Mention, Prix Presque Rien 2015

Fondazione Presque Rien, Paris

Mention of the prize to the piece La boucle

1st prize, Festival Di_Stanze 2014

CIMA, CEMAT, MOTUS, University of Osaka et al. 

per il brano Les dimensions du réel

Finalist, Destellos Competition 2014

Destellos Foundation, Mar del Plata (AR)

per il brano Les dimensions du réel


2022-ongoing Prof. of Electroacoustic Composition

Conservatorio A.Vivaldi di Alessandria

2021-22 Prof. of Electroacoustic Composition

Conservatorio G. Braga di Teramo

2020-21 Prof. of Electroacoustic Composition

Conservatorio G. Rossini di Pesaro

2014-16 Teaching associate

University of Birmingham

College of Arts and Law – Department of Music. 

2013-14 Teaching assistant

University of Birmingham 

College of Arts and Law – Department of Music. 


APNÉES (2024)

Grenoble (FR)

Artistic residency for the composition of Au cours d’une nuit, acousmatic piece premiered at Festival PAYSAGES | COMPOSÉS – Écologie sonore · Musiques de recherche 2024.

Quatre îles, un archipel (2024)

Toulon (FR)

Residency at Châteauvallon-Liberté scéne nationale for the creation of the theatrical performance Quatre îles, un archipel, by Clémence Kazemi, Marco Giusti, with Jacques Bonnaffé.

Musiques & Recherches (2023)

Bruxelles (BE)

Artistic residency for the creation of a new 8-channel piece based on texts by Michiko Ishimure – Part 2, supported by Culture Moves Europe

Musiques & Recherches (2022)

Bruxelles (BE)

Artistic residency for the creation of a new 8-channel piece based on texts by Michiko Ishimure – Part 1

APNÉES (2022)

Grenoble (FR)

Artistic residency for the development of a live set + live concert presentation

Léviathan (2021)

Toulon (FR)

Residency at Châteauvallon-Liberté scéne nationale for the creation of the theatrical performance Léviathan, by Clémence Kazemi, Marco Giusti, with Jacques Bonnaffé, Luna Scolari

Le Paysage sonore dans lequel nous vivons (2017)

GMVL, Tempo Reale, Amici della Musica di Cagliari, EPHMEE, A.F.E.A. – Cagliari (IT)

Realization of a series of naturalistic soundscape recording, in the context of the project ‘Le paysage sonore dans lequel nous vivons’


2016-20 Laurea magistrale in Musicologia e Scienze dello Spettacolo [MA in Musicology and Performing Arts]

Università degli studi di Palermo – Scuola delle Scienze Umane e del Patrimonio Culturale

2013-17  PhD in Electroacoustic Composition

University of Birmingham – College of Arts and Law – Department of Music

Supervisor:  Prof. Jonty Harrison

Internal examiners:  Dr. Scott Wilson; External examiner:  Prof. John Young

2012-13  MRes in Elctroacoustic composition

University of Birmingham – College of Arts and Law – Department of Music

2008-12 Diploma Accademico di I livello in Musica e Nuove Tecnologie [BA in Music and New Technology]

Conservatorio di Musica ‘V. Bellini’ di Palermo